The Sandpipers Square Dance Club is a non-profit, all volunteer organization. The club is operated by its members and is an affiliate of the Palomar Square Dance Association. Visitors are always welcome.
Club Objectives Include:
1. Promote Modern American Square Dance as a nationally recognized folk dance.
2. Preserve the cultural traditions of this patriotic, non-political and non-sectarian social activity.
3. Facilitate social contact and fellowship within the membership and affiliated organizations.
4. Encourage family participation in these fun activities.
5. Demonstrate and teach square dancing as a healthy, beneficial activity for our community.
6. Actively and positively contribute to our civic community.
Dances are, with some exceptions, on the 4th Saturday of each month. Modern American square dancing and round dancing are featured.
The dance date, time and location are as indicated on Dance Schedule page.
Cued round dances (choreographed ballroom dances) are typically also included. Square dance tips alternate with round dances. Round dance proficiency varies from easy to intermediate.
An advanced tip (A-1 or A-2) may also be called during the event.
Themes enhance the event since music selections may reflect the theme. Dancers also, at their option, may select their attire accordingly. Traditional square dance attire is always appropriate, regardless of theme.
Square dancing is an alcohol-free social recreation. Members of United Square Dancers of America pledge to abstain from alcoholic beverages before and during square dance events. This pledge is an integral feature of liability insurance available to associated square dance clubs.
Videos that illustrate why
we like square dancing: